The Global Petroleum Refining Industry never stops changing. Demand for refined products continues to grow in most regions around the world, requiring new construction in emerging markets and retrofits or expansions to diversify crude slate flexibility in others. Investments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) via Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies are becoming common in most future budgets and prompting billions in investments to capture CO2.
Industrial Info's Global Market Intelligence (GMI) Platform provides tools that allow our clients to globally target and analyze actionable project spending opportunities, unit-specific refining assets and real-time operational status for specific refined-product commodities.
Industrial Info offers intelligent and easy-to-use web-based tools to access our market intelligence data.
PECWeb Dashboard - Utilize search queries, saved searches, email alerts and interactive widgets to track the best available information on plants, projects and units.
PECWeb My Data - Track and get updates on your targeted opportunities using IIR's CRM-like features.
Key Account Locator (KAL) - Geospatially search for and identify key assets by Owner or Parent Company.
Geolocator - Create density heat maps, radius searches and visualize opportunities in a geospatial environment.
Disaster Impact Tracker - Monitor natural disaster events around the globe and their impact on industrial plants and units.
Market Analytics Dashboard - Using IIR project spending factors, track and understand the market at a 30,000 foot view and drill down to the 1 foot project detail.
Capital & Maintenance Projects
Unit Maintenance Events
Long-Term Service Agreement
Plant Assets
Turnaround Outlook Forecast
Process Units & Equipment
Segments We Cover
Crude Oil Refiners
All petroleum refining operations engaged in the processing of sweet, heavy, and sour crude oils for the primary purpose of producing refined products such as gasoline, heating oil, jet
fuel, diesel, petroleum byproducts, and liquified petroleum gases.
Lube Oil Processors
Lube oil processing plants--independent of a major refinery--producing lubricating oils and greases, including oil re-refiners.
Industrial Info's Petroleum Refining Analytics Products help supplement our online platform and give our clients a long-term view of where spending is expected to be and its major trends or drivers.